Give me the reason of penis curvation and how to prevent against this and give me the name of madicine.? -
my penis is curve towards the right side when it raised, and i have pain for this, when i made the sex with my wife i have to used some oily material to insert the penis. i was maried for 5 year and having no child now a days, penis curvation is that the reasons for this, if it is so give me the name of medicine to horizental the penis.
-In Peyronie-s disease, anomalous scar tissue grows in the soft tissue of the penis, causing curvature. Severe cases can benefit from surgical correction.-
-Penile fracture can occur if the erect penis is bent excessively. A pop or cracking sound and pain is normally associated with this event. Emergency medical assistance should be obtained. Prompt medical attention lowers likelihood of permanent penile curvature.-
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