How do you make your penis bigger naturally. without all of those pills just home remadies? -
Natural penis enlargement methods involves jelqing, stretching, hanging and ballooning techniques. As the name says, they are all natural, it doesn��t involve the use of any drug, it doesn��t put anything strange in your body...the only downside is that they demand daily effort, perseverance and constancy, but they yield proven results.
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don-t worry about it. yours is normal. if you want to focus on anything, learn to woo women.
the whole hype and stereotype were created by or at least steamrolled by American culture, predominantly low self-esteemed penis envy white males, probably felt threatened by blacks and their stereotypes. it-s all non-sense and silly to the extreme. penis shapes and sizes vary. there is no average standard to go by. everyone-s is normal. some are big. others are small. if any woman who says she wants huge penises, she is either lying to fit in to her shallow immature group of so-called friends or delusional from living in her bubble or masochistic.
go watch the UK documentary -My Penis and Everyone Else-s-
and realize that some males in UK and other Europeans have penis with size of 3 inches or less. black Europeans too. plus, there-s an interview with a Hollywood guy who got penis surgically enlarged from 8 to 10 inches or something around there, but later they found him still unhappy with himself, his life and sex. that-s a clear example of shallowness and how extremely ridiculous Hollywoodians and Americans have become. and do you know how they do it surgically? by taking your butt fat and putting it in your penis. that-s as brutal and disgusting and even demeaning as horrible surgery nightmares of nasty breast jobs for women, not to mention down-the-line future problems and side-effects.
so what does that tell you about the hype, the generalizing and the stereotyping? this also reminds me of Europeans laughing at Americans with their buff muscles and spending so much time in the gym working out; it-s a sign of weakness, low self-esteem, at least to Europeans and their cultures.
Just deal with what you-ve got.
- Those stretching and weight using techniques are really unsafe. If you stretch it out, you run the risk of rupturing your urethra. This requires surgery to fix. Try telling that to you grandmother.
- Pumps are the same
- Pills don-t work anyway (i know your not interested, but just so that you know. If they did work, and were safe, they would sell them EVERYWHERE)
You really just have to learn to use what you have in the best possible way.
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