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How to get rid of hair on penis? -

How to get rid of hair on penis? -

i have pubic hair up about 3/4 of an inch on the shaft of my penis and above that there are a bunch of scattered random hairs all around.

i was wondering if there are any ways to get them removed permanently even if i have to go through a process like get something done once a week or month or whatever.

please do not tell me to just shave it because believe me i have tried it and it is very uncomfortable.

  • give it a haircut.

    silly... its like the hairs on your head.

    you wouldnt want a bald head, wouldya?

  • Try putting Nair cream on it.

  • go get a brazilian wax, but its gonna hurt like hell

  • Laser...I forgot what the treatment is called though...

    How to get rid of hair on penis? -

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