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Guys, how can u trim penis hair. without hurtin it? -

Guys, how can u trim penis hair. without hurtin it? -

Trimming the penis or the hair? HA :)

Just use the scissors if you don-t have a beard trimmer. However, if you DO have a beard trimmer, there are different settings you can use...and they really work superbly....heck, I just trimmed my chest hair today with mine and it looks great!

You can go to the local store and see what they cost. They really are convenient and range in price from $10 to $40.......

Good luck and be careful - and have fun!

  • dude to trim my pubes, i get a comb and put it between my skin and the clippers, that way its sure not to nick you, and your sure not to take it so short that you get painful stubble. if you are wanting to shave the penis shaft itself...use a regular handheld razor and lots of shave cream, and pull towards the head of your dick.

  • shave, brazilian wax, clippers, scissors, get some 1 to do it for you

  • well there shouldnt be hair on your penis. thats f***ed up

  • Clippers or scissors..

  • clippers

  • psht it hurts you.... hah pussywillow!!!

  • grab some scissors and cut it...your pubic hair I mean..

  • clippers lol

  • scissors?...idk im a girl lol

  • use a knife. man

    Guys, how can u trim penis hair. without hurtin it? -

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