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How to make penis size bigger without using drug ? -

How to make penis size bigger without using drug ? -

-ancient Arab- technique,

Those that hold fast to the Arabic background have said that the Arabic cultures of the Middle East and the Sudan supposedly developed the penis-enlargement technique known as the -jelq.- This technique involves a milking action applied to a semi-erect penis, which stretches and engorges the penis. Over time, the continued jelq sessions would result in greater penis length, thickness, and strength.

There are many variations on the technique, but the basic routine involves stroking the penis with a milking motion: Starting from the base, you slide your hand up the shaft, pulling and squeezing. Then you repeat the motion. You don-t slide your hand over the head and back down the shaft as you would if you were masturbating. Instead, you stop when you reach the head, and start again from the base of the penis.

Jelqing is a bit like the way that weight gain occurs. When a person eats a lot they extend the stomach lining. If they continue to do it the stomach actually gets bigger and can hold more food. It is kind of like you are shooting for penis -weight gain,- except you are stretching the cells so that more blood can fill them. When this happens it actually makes the cells bigger thus, making the penis larger.

Because the cells in the penis are alive, and have a regenerative capability, they respond to more blood being filling them by enlarging themselves, hence, making your penis larger (whether you are soft or hard). Smooth muscle of the penis can not be exercised like the biceps and doesn-t respond the same way. One must be careful not to cause damage as it may weaken tissue within the penis by pulling too hard of pushing blood up into an erect penis with force.

Step 1
Make the -OK- sign with your fingers by touching your forefinger and thumb tips together. Lubricate both your hands and penis shaft with your wet lubricant. Note- you should always do the jelqing exercise WITHOUT an erection. A semi-erection is fine, but be careful because research has shown that if you Jelq hard with a full erection; it can cause vascular damage and all sorts of other unwanted side effects. If you start to get an erection then slightly squeeze your penis head (glans) with your hand and this will discourage it, or simply wait for it to subside.

Step 2
Squeeze your penis shaft as close to your scrotum as possible and pull downward with your -OK- sign hand.

Step 3
Stop when you reach the glans (head), and repeat with the other hand. Make each stroke last about three or four seconds

Step 4
Repeat step 2 and 3 alternating between hands and keep going for as many repetitions as you wish (start with only a few and work up to more as you get more experienced).

  • just get hard and f*** the hell out of women

    YEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • play and pull

  • the doctor that was on Oprah , Dr. OZ said that if you lose some pounds you gain an inch on the manhood. You got what you got !

  • Have an errection.

  • What won-t work: Penis Pumps. Trust me.

    You could try different penis exercises and such, which help long term enlargement and strengthening. More info here:��

    Of course there are also herbal pills, which seem to help a lot of the people. These are not so expensive and give long term benefits.��

    Good Luck!

  • Stick your finger up your azz and yell snake !!

  • the arabic technique: Jelqing. if u want to I could send u the info on how to do it. It comes with pictures and everything.

  • there is nothing you can do,

  • As far as I have heard,no drug out there can make your penis bigger.One very famous tv ad is for a pill called Enzyte, but as far as results go,haven-t heard a thing.There is a procedure in which an inch or two may be added,however your erections will not be as strong.My best suggestion is don-t worry about the size,but instead, learn the different things you can do with it sexually to please your significant other,because even though they say size doesn-t matter, how you use it DOES.

  • look up penis enhancing exercises

  • penis pump... my bro got one for christmas and says it really works

  • Drugs don-t work. Neither does anything else. You get what you get in life. Be happy with it. Learn how to use it.

  • if you want a bigger penis you can use a shaft!
    but it-s only for a couple of minutes

  • There is no drug or exercise to enlarge your have what you have. Don-t waste your money or time trying to enlarge it because there is nothing you can do but deal with what you have!

  • loose weight i dont know if your overweight but youd be surprised how much smaller it becomes with just a few extra pounds. I think its like every thirty pounds overweight is an inch.

  • It doesn-t you get what your given,learn how to use it and you should be fine!

  • pull

  • It-s dumb. Get a real life.

  • Leave it alone it will grow.

    How to make penis size bigger without using drug ? -

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