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How long is penis normally ? -

How long is penis normally ? -

longer than yours,,, but shorter than mine ;-)

  • A little over 5 inches when it is erect (hard). Anything between 4.7 to 6.6 is considered normal. Outside of that range, if your below 4.7 inches, you have a small penis, while if your have anything larger than 6.6 inches, your penis is considered large.

  • average fully grown male size is about 6.1 inches
    90% of the population fall between 5.5-6.5 inches

  • From a recent study it is 5.5 Inches when fully errect. This is for a full grown man. It dosn-t matter about the length though.

    Its the width that all the girls go for. Arn-t I right ladies?


  • Its different for everyone. The average size is around 6 inches. Some smaller. Some larger.

  • Average erection for adults is 6 inches. Mine is 4.8 inches.

  • six but 5 is probably the best size as you can satisfy the tightest girls but still have enough for ones who like it deep.

  • everyone is different ,but i would say the average is around 6 inches.

  • im 14 all most 15 and my penis is 8 and 3/4 inch and growing.

  • 5 to 6-1/2 inches are in the majority.

  • 6 in. but most of the time it depends

  • Mine is 500 feet long. (Joke)

  • it depends

  • It depends on the man.

    How long is penis normally ? -

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