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How do i push blood into my penis so it will grow? -

How do i push blood into my penis so it will grow? -

Your body will take care of getting the blood into your penis. There-s nothing that you will have to do to help it happen, it just will at the right (and occasionally wrong) time.

  • Viagra!!

  • Watch some porn!

  • happens naturally. look up some porn.

  • If you are 9, as you have said you are, you may have a problem because most boys get erections whilst they are still in diapers.
    Have a talk with your parents, it might be embarrassing but they can give you reassurance or have a doctor check you out.

  • Erection, when your business gets an erection blood is going in

  • don-t mess with it--if you -pull- blood--force it, you might damage the interior of it--chambers inside which when full of blood gives you and erection, if you mess with it you might damage these chambers

    How do i push blood into my penis so it will grow? -

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