How do i push blood into my penis so it will grow? -
Your body will take care of getting the blood into your penis. There-s nothing that you will have to do to help it happen, it just will at the right (and occasionally wrong) time.
Viagra!!Watch some porn!happens naturally. look up some porn.If you are 9, as you have said you are, you may have a problem because most boys get erections whilst they are still in diapers.
Have a talk with your parents, it might be embarrassing but they can give you reassurance or have a doctor check you out.Erection, when your business gets an erection blood is going indon-t mess with it--if you -pull- blood--force it, you might damage the interior of it--chambers inside which when full of blood gives you and erection, if you mess with it you might damage these chambers
How do i push blood into my penis so it will grow? -
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