How much control do men have over their penis? -
Sorry Smiiley, it controls us.
It mostly controls itself, for no apparent reason it sometimes Erects itself without the Person wanting it to. This can be embarrassing depending where you are.It is also possible with the right sort of thoughts to make it go Erect.We have about as much control over our penises as Weathermen have over the weather. It does what it wants, we just have to make the most of it.None.Depends on how old they are if your young in the 12-17 age a good gust of wind could cause an erection as you get older it isnt as bad
curtdudenot alot it really has a mind of its ownagree with jeffy. it truly has a mind of its ownControl?
No-one can control...The Penis! :)
Seriously...what do you mean by control? size? -staying power-?
I guess the answer would be none to the first and not much to the second.None.
Once I was with my friends and I suddenly got an erection and I thought -WTF- so I looked and I eventually found some hot girl in a thong bending over so.
Darth Vader has a mind of his own.My penis is totally rebeliuos and out of control.none at all. it is our -dicktator- it does whatever it wants to.100% ! its connected to us!At first very little control. It is so much fun to be asked in school (7th grade) to come to the chalk board and work the problem on the board.. When you start to write you get an erection for no reason. So you know its there and that is all you need is a way to embarrass yourself. You freeze and start to pray that it will go away by the time you are done. That is so much fun.
By the time you are 30 you should be able to control it. Meaning identification of the stimuli that makes it hard and what turns you on. Slipping and falling on ice and it accidentally slipped inside this lady is a funny but a bad excuse. Making yourself last longer becomes a function of using your penis. Making a women have an orgasm is a function using it with someone that you love. When ever lust is involved you generally have less control over your ejaculation.NONE!bit tough man, it has its own has a mind of its own all it wants it to fu*k a pussy as much as it could and hard it could it is very pleasurable and addicting and it feels so good for the both of us.eww why do you care. That is a perverted question u pig!!! LoL
LOOZER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHWhat rot��.These guys most be 10yrs old. It is very simple for men to go as long as they want to. All they have to do is develop their PC Muscle (same one the females have ��kegel��). Men can also become multi orgasmic if they develop the PC Muscle (Kegel) enough. Here is another trick for you young guys. While you are having sex you can also make you dick appear to feel wider and longer to the female. How to exercise the PC muscle you ask? when you are taking a pee try to cut it off, or when you have an erection and you try to make it move that��s how you make you dick appear to be longer and also how you develop your PC muscle. To make your dick appear to be fatter clinch your butt cheeks like you are pinching of a load and your dick will have a momentary fattening. Practice these excursuses and your lady will love you. Got this information from a very wise doctor, and all my lady friends and wife love it when I do this stuff. Just like how you like when your lady friend clamps her lips down on your dick she will love it when you flex your cock and last as long as you want.Between the ages of 15 and 20 young men have little control from the stand point of having unwanted frequent spontaneous erections.
Men have a very powerful need to procreate which drives the desire for intercourse. A man who has been taught respect for women will do his best to control his penis. He will keep the thought of respect for women in his mind and will use masturbation if necessary to help him control his urges.
It is far easier for a man to control his penis than it is to control his desire to want to hug and hold a woman.
The men who can-t control their penises end up on the Maury Povich show on the who is my babies daddy episode.
Some men blame their poor behavior on high testosterone. There may be some element of truth in that. But I don-t believe it totally. I see it a mix of low character and high testosterone.
A woman needs to exhibit her own self-control to moderate a mans lack of control or his ability to easily give into his has a mind of it-s own , as sometimes we think with the little headhahaha, I THINK about that too, when they pee do they hae to hold theie penis? or can their minds control them
How much control do men have over their penis? -
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