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How can you make you penis bigger and longer and fatter naturally or with pills at the age of 16? -

How can you make you penis bigger and longer and fatter naturally or with pills at the age of 16? -

I will give you a thank you form the bottom of my heart and ten p9oints if you give me an answer that is true. please

  • easy solution: you don-t. the best advice i can give you is take viagra

  • At your age you should let your penis grow to the length and thickness it will grow at. There is no pill or pump that will aid your penis in growing. Penis is a muscle like any other muscle in your body. You need to eat right, and exercise it like any other muscle you have to help it grow big and strong. At sixteen taking anything to promote any unnatural growth will hurt you in the long run. There are many so called aids on the market but you need to be an adult and your growth period is complete. But they will not do anything to make your penis bigger but they will make your wallet lighter. Men-s penises are on the average of 4 to 7 inchs long. Most males fall in the the 5 to 7 inche category. You still have time to grow but you should want only to be in the average as most women can not accept a 7 inch penis. If that happens then you would be hurting them not making love to them. Just be careful what you wish for as you never know, you just might get it. Average penises are good for love making as it is full penetration that helps the woman get off, as when you penetrate fully your pubic hair enhances the clitoris and helps excite the woman. So bigger is not really better.

  • No none of it works


  • you cant
    but your 16 and still growing give yourself some time you may be surprised
    You shouldnt worry about size at your age

  • He-s right. you cant

  • You can-t - be happy with what you have.

  • Lift weights with you penis

    be careful, not too heavy

  • nope sorry if u want u can go see a doctor

  • ALL penis enlargement products are a RIP OFF! Be happy with what you have. It ain-t the size of the worm that catches the fish, but how it wiggles.

  • well if you are trying to get bigger then you need to get some viagra...that always works...go to a store like GNC and they have lots of things to choose from

  • Be happy with what you have.

    Learn to use what you have better.

    You-ll be happier in the long run (and so will -she-.

    Avoid advice in which people tell you the penis is a muscle. They missed health class one too many times.

    How can you make you penis bigger and longer and fatter naturally or with pills at the age of 16? -

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