How big is the average mans penis??? -
How big is the non average?? Cause men lie about that or am I wrong I don-t know cause I believe everything everybodies tells me cause I am so naive. So please tell the truth someone out there. I am researching this for my own use. Ok???
Men-s health said,5.5 inches.To be honest, I don-t know. Never lined up next to a bunch of guys and passed a ruler down the line. Either way, I am proud of what I have. Hell, I really wasn-t given a choice in the matter. Whether I am average or not, I know how to use it. Well, I have never been told different.Do you want to know what he will tell you or the truth??? He will tell you 10ins,hahaha!!! Thats a joke!!!! In reality it is 6 to 7,possiably 8!!!I am 6-2. the truth:Sky
Just the average size.
I leave the lying to the kids play u ask -average mans penis- and another place u ask -non average-... which one do u wanna know??average is 5 3/4 -I-d say between hmmm 5 1/2- 7inches... Well that size suits me anyways hahaAbout thaaaaaaat long!!! And you shoulda seen the one that got away!!!!uhh....6 in.
How big is the average mans penis??? -
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