How can i make friend make his penis thicker? -
he doesn-t want to order anything
what are you doing looking at your friends penis, thats just wrong dude!!!!By having him take a pill that will make it bigger and last longer. The pill is for a product called Firminite, which may be ordered at You and he can go to the site and learn about Firminite. Do a Google search and just type in the word Firminite and you will find a lot of information on it. Just make sure he buys the one that is made in Indonesia, as it is the best one to get.Nothing anybody can do for that. He just has to accept what God has blessed him with - get on with the rest of his life. Life is not always the way it-s supposed to be. It-s just the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.They are right ! the right amount of targetted exercise will get you the results you want !!
If you need further info, Head On To :��
you cant sorry
answer mine pls - every 30 pounds of body fat lost will result in 1 inch gain, because of how much pubic - tummy fat can concealHit it with a should swell-your friend-? aha
yeahhh right.
How can i make friend make his penis thicker? -
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