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How can i make friend make his penis thicker? -

How can i make friend make his penis thicker? -

he doesn-t want to order anything

  • what are you doing looking at your friends penis, thats just wrong dude!!!!

  • By having him take a pill that will make it bigger and last longer. The pill is for a product called Firminite, which may be ordered at You and he can go to the site and learn about Firminite. Do a Google search and just type in the word Firminite and you will find a lot of information on it. Just make sure he buys the one that is made in Indonesia, as it is the best one to get.

  • Nothing anybody can do for that. He just has to accept what God has blessed him with - get on with the rest of his life. Life is not always the way it-s supposed to be. It-s just the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

  • They are right ! the right amount of targetted exercise will get you the results you want !!

    If you need further info, Head On To :��

  • you cant sorry

    answer mine pls

  • exercise - every 30 pounds of body fat lost will result in 1 inch gain, because of how much pubic - tummy fat can conceal

  • Hit it with a should swell

  • -your friend-? aha
    yeahhh right.

    How can i make friend make his penis thicker? -

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