How big can a guys penis get from taking Magna RX? -
When I was at High School... size use to bother me a lot. I am not ashamed to admit it, because you will find many guys worry about their member also.
During that phase, I checked the Internet to find any solutions and all. Now these -penis enlargement- stuff are all a load of crap!!
I say this because how can a pill increase your member? It is a business strategy to make guys buy their products!! What better way to make money than dealing with men-s insecurities?
If you look carefully at these websites... they always have a picture of a doctor... this tell us that their products are scientifically proven.... THEY ARE NOT PROVEN AT ALL!!!
Moving away from the pills.... those pumps and other devices dont work either. They may make the penis bigger, but its temporary and over using the device could result to poorer erections!!!
Surgey is also a stupid thing to do. I aint even gonna go there.
If you do decide to try these -Magna RX- products.. I would be interested to know how you did, but I can say that they will be a waste of your money!!!
It all a business tactic to get money...
You only have one penis... so leave it alone and enjoy life with it. By tinkering with it with pumps and pills could ruin it, as a worst example!!!
To end this... that -phase- of mine has gone! Size doesnt worry me at all anymore. I am average... and I am proud!!!
All the best!!
It ONLY is a good and VERY simple way for owner - seller to earn a lot of money thro people-s ignorance!
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