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How do i connect 2 trogans together to fit my penis? -

How do i connect 2 trogans together to fit my penis? -

its too long for one

  • LOL - I guess you-ll have to get the -Magnum- =)

  • wow... nice... i-d love to meet you lol... jk well anyways... my hunnie... uses extra large magnum... still fits him a little tight cuz hes really thick and long... so that why im on he pill just in case he tears the condom... but were engaged now so ...i kno were spending the rest of our lives together so now i just let him not use a condom... and wow... sex with his big D*** feels so much better condomless... lol... so try the x-large...

  • Wow.

    And I thought I was well endowed. A condom will cover most of my unit, but about two inches are always left uncovered. So, you just don-t use those last couple of inches.

    You can-t make one condom out of two. Just can-t stick the whole thing in.

  • dang dawg, you just need enough to cover the urinary tract hole to prevent c��m from coming out.

    anyways 2 won-t do the job.

  • it-s like connecting another penis to the one you already have ;-)

  • magnum-extra large.

    try it out =D

  • you dont.
    buy the right size, otherwise it wont work right.

  • What are these Trogans fitting your penis for?

  • get a bigger condom

  • duh...just use saran wrap.

  • nice

    How do i connect 2 trogans together to fit my penis? -

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