HI How to make my penis stay hard and strong,we use to have a good sex life but the time we started planning? -
for babies i believe due to stress or not able to become pregnant our sex life as become stressfull,so how to make it stay strong and hard so that we can still try for babies even during the times of failure
relax urself and use a good foreplay this will surely help, read the links they will guide u much betterA desensitizing cream may help you to stay hard longer. I get mine from
but the best thing may just to be to stop planning and just have lots of fun with the sex. Try lots of new positions and toys maybe even check out this real cool book called 101 great nights of sex
you open one page at a time and act out what ever it says. it really is great fun and it will take your mind off the baby planning and may even increase your odds. good luck!Keep your crotch and below testicles cooler.Keep yourself cleaning with cold water more often below your testicles. Sperms enjoy cooler environment. Heat destroys sperms thus reducing sperm count.
Eat lots of protein based foods. Avoid tobacco and alcohol. Eat follic acid tablet. Give yourself at least three months to see yourself any improvements.
You can use any type of enjoyment and relaxing activities to keep yourself calmer.I know what your going through, I tried for 14 years! It just seems to be a chore and not a pleasure, we found the best time was after we-d missed ovulation. So to be honest unless you want to buy a cock ring I don-t have the answer. Good luck and have a vivid imagination..Reduce stress. Use protective methods. Increase fore play.Feel relax. Do not think about what my partner my think about me.Ask the partner to give feed back while on conjugation through sound or deed. again if not getting hard put at a rubber band around the penniesif she can-t turn you on anymore, turn off the lights and imagine you-re making love with someone you fantasize. if you have a physical problem, you need viagra.Just have a night set up of sensuality and both of your fantasies and forget about the stress and the real world.
HI How to make my penis stay hard and strong,we use to have a good sex life but the time we started planning? -
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