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How to shave around penis area ? -

How to shave around penis area ? -

what would you use to shave around the penis area?

how is it carefully done so that to accidents happen ?

is it true that the penis looks bigger afterwards ?

  • you shave it just like trimming a bush

  • You have to be extremely careful when you shave your pubic area. First you need to cut away the pubic hair by scissors slowly, if you aren-t careful you might cut your scrotum. Then you shave the rest of the short hair with a clean sharp safety razor very slowly and carefully, for your scrotum skin is very folded and thin, which you can accidentally cut it, then you will be in more trouble than before. After having everything shaven, you think your penis look bigger which is not. Its because there is no more bushes around the tree trunk.

  • Penis will look bigger and cleaner after you shave. The safest way to do it is to trim it first and then use an electric shaver so you will not hurt yourself with a razor. Also it leaves yopu pubic area not so smooth, which lessens the case of ingrown hair, itchiness and bumps. Don-t forget to use an after shave lotion.

  • yes your penis looks bigger after you shave it ^^
    I would use a shaver but makes it slowly that you don-t cut you
    an other way is to wax it but its your change

  • It will look a little bigger. Use scissors to trim and a shaver to shave the excess away.

  • I use a hair remover, Avon has a good one. Don-t use Nair tho. that stuff is murder.

  • it won-t look big, only neater.
    i suggest you do Brazilian wax. XD

    How to shave around penis area ? -

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