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How come my penis whistles when i go peeeepeeee? -

How come my penis whistles when i go peeeepeeee? -

It works just like when you blow over a bottle. The passing of liquid and air over the tube of the penis opening causes a whistling sound.


  • I don-t know.
    Maybe you should stop blowing it.
    Maybe because it-s happy you are finally going to the bathroom.
    Honestly, I-ve never heard of this before. Go see a doctor!!

  • No offense, but this sounds like a spam question to me, especially since there is a lack of effort in asking it.

  • I don-t know.What tune does it whistle?

  • you just have a musical penis. its cool mine like to jazz it up every once in a while. u should try american idle.

  • hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha��
    no idea but that is ******* hilarious

  • If thats real, thats hillarious! Haha
    Go see a doctor or something.
    Prolly fake though.

  • Does it sound like a slide whistle?

    That would be pretty cool.

  • i literally just LOLed. thanks :)

    How come my penis whistles when i go peeeepeeee? -

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