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How are you suppose to wash your penis? -

How are you suppose to wash your penis? -

soap and water

  • Um... Soap... And your hand... -.-

  • The answer is -regularly- and with gentle soap and warm water. If you are unfortunately uncircumcised, you must pull your foreskin right back to expose the groove behind the head and wash the area thoroughly at least twice a day. Your mother should have taught you how to keep your penis hygienic from an early age.

  • with a PH balanced soap (PH7) so that it doesnt harm the sensitive skin around that area. it is very very important u dont us soap as it may irritate the skin and hurt like hell! trust me ive done it before and i was sitting cross legged in class cause it stung so much :)

  • You have to pull the foreskin back until the head is completely exposed. But DO NOT pull it back if it hurts. If you use soap, use very little of it. Soap isn-t completely necessary, though, but it doesn-t hurt to use it. If the head is sensitive (it probably will be), you-ll have to get past that. Just wash GENTLY with your hands on the head. Wash out any soap if there-s any left. If you don-t, you-ll end up with a lot of problems later.

    And whatever you do - DON-T GET CIRCUMCISED!!

    Also, read the site I linked. It-ll help you out more.

  • err.... use soap. and water.

  • Soap it up and rinse it off just like any other part of your body.

    If you-re not circumcised, then you must pull back the foreskin to cleanse also

  • with bleach and a wire brush

  • sandpaper for any bumps or uneven forskin

  • the same way you-d wash your arms and feet... with soap in a shower

  • with ur girlfriends mouth or boyfriend if that-s what your into

  • soap and water.

    How are you suppose to wash your penis? -

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