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How can i stop hair on my penis growing? -

How can i stop hair on my penis growing? -

Chop your penis off and record video of it. Then send it to the BME pain olympics and have people around the world watch in horror.

  • put it on a stove, trust me it works :]

  • massage it

  • You actually should not have hair growing on your penis. Around and above but not on it. At least not enough hair that it should concern you. If you do have hair there you might want to talk to a doctor. If you-re meaning normal pubic hair you really can-t stop it from growing above and around your genitals.

  • just shave that all there is no way to stop it..sorry

  • wax....why would you want to do that anyways...?

  • Ummm you can-t. You can get waxed down there, but that is about it. What an odd question. Ick.

  • Burn the skin where the hair grows.

  • Try a girl product like Nair. Your not shaving or waxing, and Nair doesnt hurt. It might help.

  • eww.... but its just puberty....

  • laser hair removal or electrolysis; both would be very painful, with shaving the hair will continue to grow back.

  • If you want it permanently gone you can have IPL which uses lasers to stop the hair growing.

  • Laser hair removal. It-s the only permanent solution to hair removal because it -kills- or destroys the root of the hair, which is what makes the hair grow back--even if you pluck the hair.

  • Electrolysis

  • why do you wanna do that?

  • fag....

  • shave?

  • You can-t.

  • Wax It!!

  • Stand real close to the microwave.

  • how i wish i have 16 and totally hairless i really like to have some pubic hair coz im always being teased by my team mates in the shower as still a baby when im 6-

  • LAWL.


  • gput superglue on let it dry then rip it off

  • ouch, I have had this problem. When pubes get too long, they become tangled and irritable. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop your hair from growing unless you get laser hair treatment which stops your hair from growing. permanently. Which also means you will have no pubes :( and it is also thousands of dollars :O
    SO, If you are like me and your pubes grow out really long, TRIM IT! I know it sounds funny but do it. I cut mine down to around an inch. Just comb it out straight and cut it to the desired length. It is a little tedious but works amazing.. also who knows? some chick might be into a hairy penis :D

  • Take a blow-torch to the existing hair, once removed, no new hair will grow...easy!

  • you can try laser hair kinda hurts,but a man can handle it

  • Uh, by not asking dumb questions?

  • shave but why?

  • nair for men

  • that hair laser thing. cost lots of money though
    go get some nair from the store
    your hair will grow back very gradually, but it is easier to use nair than nething

  • you can-t.
    i tried.


    How can i stop hair on my penis growing? -

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