How soon after orgasm during sex does the penis return to its limp state? -
and if it-s not right away, what purpose does it stay hard for?
A lot depends on age here. If you are really young 15 to 25 you could have an orgasm and your penis will get just a little soft and then get hard again at the thought of a repeat. When you get older as soon as you orgasm it goes flaccid and will stay flaccid or limp for awhile the older you are the longer it will take to recover and get hard. A lot depends also on how much help you have from partners. Why does it stay hard? You are still aroused and could indulge in a second or third round of sex much to your partners delight.mine goes away for about 5 mins. If it doesn-t, I-ll go again for another roundi will stay hard for about 5 min,,,,,,,,,,and if it don-t go soft,the its round 2 right away againRound Two!Brader.... everything needs time to get back to normal. After running 1 km can you breath normally. You need time brader to get back so everything needs time. Don-t compare what time brader because everyone-s different. Some stays hard because the mind is still strong brader. Sex is still up in the head brader. Some can go more rounds and some needs longer rest before the next brader. So don-t worry too much about all this as long yours works brader. Other people got bigger problems you know.
How soon after orgasm during sex does the penis return to its limp state? -
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