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How much longer does a mans penis grow when theyre hard? -

How much longer does a mans penis grow when theyre hard? -

i know this is a weird question to ask but my friend says it gets a lot longer when they-re hard than it usually is.

  • There are -growers,- who can triple the length when they get hard, and there are -showers,- who are impressive-looking flaccid but only double (or a bit less) in length when erect.

    If you-re following the logic of this, while erect penises are of different sizes, the difference is not nearly so much as when they are in their resting state.

  • Some guys when they become errect will double in size. Some guys when they become erect will not get much larger.

    As far as any guesses, I don-t think anyone could accurately guess that, there are too many variations in men.

  • @al-in-chgo

    Actually when a penis is erect it is relaxed, and when flaccid it is tensed up. funny, i know

  • Penis size + 0.5 through 3 inches.

    In some cases length times 1.2 through 1.5.

  • About double the size flaccid.

  • mine is like this tiny *** little thing when im not erect, but when i get erect it turns into a 7 inch monster.

  • when its completely straight

    How much longer does a mans penis grow when theyre hard? -

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