How can i get my penis to get bigger by using household items? not spending money!? -
it would be nice to have a LARGE penis, but i dont want to spend all the money!
Sorry mate, you-ll have to happy with what u got. Apart from surgery, there is no way to make your ol- fella any bigger safely.There are stretching exersises that can increase both girth by a bit and length by up to an inch or soa nd they have been scientifically proven. They take half an hour a day and you have to wait months to see a result and since I-m kinda happy with my length as much as a guy can be i never bothered.
The most famous is something called the jelq ? ( I forgotten how to spell it) Type into google jelq or free penis enlargement exercises and you-ll eventually find a few sites that don-t make you payhoover!!!!!!!!!!Put it in the toaster....if that doesn-t work try the microwave.
How can i get my penis to get bigger by using household items? not spending money!? -
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