How to treat a cut on penis head? -
I recently was playing air soft and got shot right in the dick. when i checked on it later there was a huge black circle and a little cut on my penis head. idk what to do i don-t want to tell my parents that will be to embarrassing, what should i do?
well you got to clean it with soap and water...because you don-t want to get it infected. But you should tell your parents to take you to a doctor if it starts to hurt. Probably give you a cream for it. Just don-t wait to long to tell your parents and don-t be embarrassed because one they have seen you thing already and two their you parents and this is important to get looked at.You can-t do anything........just wait for it to fall off or explode.I would treat it like this AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGG��ha thats funny ive done the same thing before it heals it will be finewait for a day see if it get better if not then tell your parent because u dont want to loss it
How to treat a cut on penis head? -
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