Does milking make your penis bigger.if it does how do you do it and how many inches would you gain.? -
the truth it perminate.
If that were true you guys would all be wearing them wrapped around and around your necks by can add inches in girth from jelquing.but it takes a long time,its like working out, you dont get a six pack in a week or even a month...get length from stretching..people will say it doesnt work cuz it takes a long time.but trust me, i started this like 3 months ago at 7 inches, now im 8 1/2 so
No, masturbation does not increase the length nor thickness of your penis.There isn-t a way to increase your size.
What did you do boy?????
Does milking make your penis bigger.if it does how do you do it and how many inches would you gain.? -
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