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Can you get acne on your penis? If not then what can it be? .. looks like it... How you get rid of it? -

Can you get acne on your penis? If not then what can it be? .. looks like it... How you get rid of it? -

You can get a pimple on your arm, on your leg, on your back...why not on your penis? Its probably got some sweaty conditons a lot? Probably just time will take care of it.

  • It-s totally normal, and very common in teenagers, for there to be bumps, pimples, or different-colored spots on the penis. They might look a little gross, but there-s nothing to be ashamed of and you can-t really do anything about them. Bumps on the penis may be a form of acne or may occur where new hairs are starting to grow. We recommend not focusing so much on what may be wrong with your penis �� most likely, everything about it is just fine. Instead, try to accept your penis as it is: an amazing part of your body that can provide you with huge amounts of pleasure for a lifetime.��

  • Genital warts,see your doctor.

  • probably an std or something, the jist of it is, your gonna die

  • Me too! Looks like we-re in the same boat!


  • hey man, definately, they-re kinda rare tho, just keep your dick clean and u-ll b good.

  • oh ****...hahahaha...hey m sorry, dont touch,i mean you can touch but not yer ... get some ointment if reqd, if irritation happens, pl c adoc...:), tc

    Can you get acne on your penis? If not then what can it be? .. looks like it... How you get rid of it? -

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