How big will my penis be? -
I am 13 years old. 6 foot 1 and 139 pounds. I wear size 13 shoe. Well i was in the gym a couple of days ago and while we were changing (not getting naked) people were talking about how big ther penis was. So when I got home i measured it and it was 6.1 inches long and 5.2 inches thick. My dad has a really large penis. When he walks around the house in his underwear you can see a huge bulge (if i had to guess how big it was i would say probably 8 1/2 inches and really thick). My girlfriend says its big, but i she might be lying. I do have a lot of under arm hair and I do have a lot of pubic hair I am just curious and i know its all genetics but what would you say how big my penis will be?
Yes, you have the potential of being as large as your father and you are large for your ageAt 6.1 inches it is large for your age. You are probably not done with your growth spurt. At 6 ft 1 inch you are most likely one of the tallest guys in your class. (if not the tallest) By the time you are done growing you could add another inch or two to your penis. That and another 2 to 3 inches to your height. If your girlfriend has seen your penis then it implies you may (I repeat -may-) be having intercourse with her. (I know, not any of my business or anyone elses) If so make sure to use a condom. I don-t think your are ready to be a daddy yet.543556 feet longhahahahahahaha 5.2 inches thick thats a good one. your gonna have a chode. sorry.You-re 13 and 6-1-? You-re going to be a big man.
And if you-re telling the truth, you-re already much above average and will probably top that guestimate about your dad. By a lot.about it you can get information from here dick is masive im 13 and mine is 5.1The one on your head will be big lol.There is no correlation between penis size and any other body part, but at 13 years old there does tend to be proportionality between penis length and imagination in some boys.
How big will my penis be? -
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