My bf has a 9 1/2 inch penis and 6.4 width and he is only 17. How much bigger do you think he will get? -
ps he will be turning 18 soon about 2 months, and he told me that his dad has a very large penis also (11 inches). I just want to know cuz i dont want him to get any bigger but i want to hear opions thanks =)
Yeah well then his penis looks like a tree stump. You must mean 6.4 circumference. If not it is just roughly the width and height of a piece of paper when he whips it out. But hey if this is real then you can child birth easy cause your gonna be so stretched out you could shoot soccer balls out at halftime of the superbowl for entertainment. I also know that if you make him watch you have sex with other dudes with smaller penises it will make his shrink. Proven fact....honest. Oh and him checkin his Dad-s package out or askin questions about it is sick. And if dear old dad volunteered the info then that is worse. He is a sicko, or his Dad is, get out while you can. You can call me to pick you up at 867-5309.
(Hookin you guys with little penises up, since July 16, 2009.)how do you know his dad-s size huh, someone doin a lil snoopin? ;) lol jk jk
it depends, some guy-s never grow, some grow a lil, some alot.
cant really tell. if i were gonna estimate i-d probably say no. Mine-s like 8 1/2 and i-ve been the same size for like 6 years....
so i don-t think he will grow much more, but then again we-re all differentfirst of all why does he know his dad-s size
and secondly im sorry to break it to you but his penis will slowly start to shrink until it becomes nothing on his 18th birthday (this is according to a doctor)at that age, he-s fully developed. It-s not going to grow any bigger.
.Nope he will get taller and it will seem like his penis will your boyfriend an elephant?? 9 1/2 in holy godDAM THAT S*** IS 1/2 SMALLER THAN MINE.... I HAVE 10 INCHERim pretty sure thats all he will get bigger..... cuz that-s pretty probably measured wrong or your lying cuz that would be like huge...tell him to stop taking viagra...Girll it better get bigger if he still wants to come over
How you doin-?it should get bigger to fit in the loose vag ina of yourshe-s like a worm compared to mei dont no but he is a lucky boy if that was my bestfriend we;ll have benifits
My bf has a 9 1/2 inch penis and 6.4 width and he is only 17. How much bigger do you think he will get? -
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