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How can i get a big penis? -

How can i get a big penis? -

can provided me some way to get a big penis?

  • sure there are a lot of way to get a big penis.

    take pill



    the best way is to exercise you penis daily

  • Ummm... my dear if it was possible I just had been the first guy to benefit from that! Accept your body and live life as it comes!


  • rub it. it-ll get bigger XD

  • be born with one

  • Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
    A lot of men are definitely wrapped in in their penises...which doesn-t say much for them, but I also think some men get a bit of a thrill talking about their penis on a public forum, such as this, hoping to -sexualize- the situation knowing that women will be reading. It-s really kind of silly in th end and truly does separate the boys from the men. It also probably tells a bit about these men-s maturity, and there obvious sexual insecurities within themselves. Any man (straight or gay) comfortable in themselves won-t have anything to really say about their they have no need for ego boosts or stroking (pardon the pun)..... D-n-D
    2 days ago

  • sorry, the only way is surgery and you don-t want to get into that. there are pills and pumps that claim they do, but they don-t and they are just an expensive waste of time and money...most importantly, these things are not FDA approved, so you don-t know what kind of health effects you are putting yourself in and the pump has actually popped veins in the penis from pressure, so just be happy with what you have.

  • You can-t. Plain and simple. No pills, no surgery. Nothing will make your wanker bigger.

    How can i get a big penis? -

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