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Whats the most sensitive part of a mans penis? And how can i stimulate as well as possible? Thanks!!? -

Whats the most sensitive part of a mans penis? And how can i stimulate as well as possible? Thanks!!? -

The frenulum is super sensitive.
Just lick it and the guy goes crazy.
But that goes for the head too

  • Bottom of the head (facing away from his body when erect) and it depends on what you-re doing to stimulate it.

    Hand: let your finger/hand rub across it on each stroke
    Mouth: Tongue...
    Sex: Any position that angles him to rub -down-. Girl on top is usually pretty good for that.

  • the other answers seem to cover it well. The top of the penis is the jackpot, which is a good thing because its easiest to manipulate. The base has no more feeling than his arm would, so keep it high up there

  • The glans (the head). Suck it.

    Whats the most sensitive part of a mans penis? And how can i stimulate as well as possible? Thanks!!? -

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