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My penis was around 6 long till last week but today it was 6.75 long. Can someone tell me how come? -

My penis was around 6 long till last week but today it was 6.75 long. Can someone tell me how come? -

growth spurts happen during puberty and one again around your late teens, so apparently you struck gold on the puberty road.


  • - hey Akki !

    - it all depends on just how excited 1 is at the time.
    - the more arouse (excited) 1 is, the more blood will travel in the shaft of U-re penis by therefore extending it more by making it become longer, is all.

  • You are growing, probably because of puberty. Your body is releasing hormones that cause you to turn into a man. Your genitals grow, you grow body hair, and your voice becomes deeper.

    Or you just haven-t measured it in a long time.

  • it-s simple math:

    the angle of dangle is relative to the heat of meat, the square of the hair, and the cube of the boob.

  • There can be multiple answers to this.
    1. loss of weight
    2.measured different location.
    3.more aroused grew (congrats if this is it)

  • Maybe it grew or
    Maybe you had more of a -harder- erection today. It depends how much blood flows to the penis or your measuring wrong.

  • You were hornier today?

  • Are you worried? You should be glad it grew.

  • you probably lost weight.

  • something got you more aroused this week then last lol

  • It grew..........

  • how long is a ******* piece of string.

  • It was harder this time then last.

  • Growth spurt

  • your going through puberty

  • just be happy.

  • count your blessings.

  • u probably had a growth spurt or new medications can cause this to

    My penis was around 6 long till last week but today it was 6.75 long. Can someone tell me how come? -

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