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How to increase penis size? -
As far as I know the only way to increase a male-s precieved penis length is to have plastic surgery. I think it-s done by cutting tendons at the base of the penis to make it look longer. They can also add girth, but alot of surgeons don-t like to do it if your penis is already normal. I wouldn-t worry about it too much.There are a few ways that actually work.
1. Surgery
2. Exercises
3. Devices
Surgery is expensive - VERY risky. Exercises are ok, but take a lot of time - dedication, - you still have to be careful. Traction devices are your safest bet. They accomplish everything the exercises do just by wearing the device.
I use one myself - have almost added an inch since I started. Very effective - easy to use.There are manual exercises that work, they involve stretching and engorging the penis with more blood (like an ultra erection). I started these exercises back in mid-February, and now I-ve gained a little more than an inch since my starting point of six inches. You need to be patient and careful tho. has a good guide to penis enlargement like this.Weights worked for me,but its not for the timid,started with 1lb now up to 7lbs, in 4 months ,2hrs a day at 15 minute increments ,so far 3/4 inch gain.To avoid pencil dick pump for 10 minutes after each increment.just as thick as when i started.I-ve heard horror stories about surgery,patches pills creams,and herbal supplements don-t work.and those contraptions you see on line are expensive.So live with what you have,or anchors away.Jelqing exercises are the only way to really gain some increase.
You gotta do it consistently for a long period of time and keep on doing it lifelong if you want the results to stay.
After jelqing for 6 months, I-ve gained about an inch in length and also some noticeable girth increase.
After a year and still to this day, I ve gained 1.5 inches. I wish it would have gone further, but I am real pleased with this extra increase.
The trick is to stick to it and do it daily for 20 minutes.
You can look online how to jelq and find out instructions and other exercises.Shave all the hair around your penis and b@||$. This will make your Penis appear larger to women. A lot of guys do this to impress women. It works, too.forget about the size, you are fine as you are, do no worry.
How to increase penis size? -
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