How can i increase the girth and size of penis. i got the size 6inc4cm.? -
can anybody give some techniques or some exercise or yoga for this.
You have very good size bigger then this will Create problem to the female partners during sex.penis size is genetic n hormonal based, and only surgery can help but that too jus 2-3 cms not worth and not even suggestable, read on the following links they will further unfold all ur answers about sex, penis n its size, growth etc����������
Jelqs, stretches, and kegel squeezes. Check out
I started to use it, then got too busy, but I did see some improvement for sure. The forums are 100% free.Why you want to increase it? Do you feel any inferier complex? 6.4 is a good size yaar. If it strong enough , happy with that.use it well either self or with a partner and enjoy.Bigger is not necessarily better.
I guess you could do weights. Everybody seems into weights these days. (JOKE)
Seriously, learn to appreciate what you have. It is a good organ.Five to seven inches erect is normal. Learn how to use it, and your hands and mouth, and get to know your lover. You don-t need to be bigger.I know a great medicine Maxosize and Viagra by which your penis length increase up to 3 inches and girth will be increased 1inch. http://www.viagrabulk.comThere is none. You will have what you have been blessed with so learn to use it and you will satisfy anyone you encounter.You-re above average. Don-t worry. You don-t want to enlarge it, because the methods that you can use are extremely dangerous.The only way is with a surgical procedure that doctors will only do in extreme cases.
Just learn how to use what you got.I-m an excellent yoga instructor. ;Dsorry for you being born that small. it could be worse, asians have very small penis.use both hands
simply amused works wonders=]Good name. Its appropriate for your question.extenze, pump, or surgery but that is averagePENIS PUMP!!!!
PUMP AWAY MY FRIENDHold on let me ask my mom.....she says that will be fine....just give it a good thrust and your good ; )Willows will be happy to help =PStretch it.stare at Willows avatar... That will get u horny...thats not that small im 15 and mine is 7 incheschicks can get implants but we cant get dick enlargement?
How can i increase the girth and size of penis. i got the size 6inc4cm.? -
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