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How wide should a penis be? byt the age of 14? -

How wide should a penis be? byt the age of 14? -

wide or in the proper terms, girth.
the girth should be in proprotion to the length. so a 5 to 7 inch penis should have a girth about 1.5 to 2 inches.

  • about 2 cm

  • Damn man worry about being a kid! your penis girth isn-t important! but yeah as said before proportionate to the length.

  • the ideal of Length, width and Height has been the burning question with youths from the puberty till they get bald

    you are 14 .. and what is the worry for you ...

    nature gives each human the parts in the proportion to the whole body.

    your Body will be again influenced by your food , exercise, mental thoughts , and pressure you feel

    so not be awed by Porn stars or stories you see in movies or from friends..

    Nature gives you what your body deserves .. Only thing is that your penis should perform when it is needed ..

    Now you do not worry abt size.. Lincoln has commented on such qeustion this ... YOUR FEET SHOULD BE LONG ENOUGH TO REACH THE GROUND..

    do not worry, fear or afraid now

    study and get the good gril friend .. enjoy love and relax...

  • however wide it is. There is no specific measurement. Whatever you got is normal.

  • The girth is most important to ladies, but at your age, don-t worry about it, just as long as you can get your fist around it...That is all that should matter now!

  • not much, wait til you-re 24!! to worry about it

  • who wants to know? is this the mom, dad, or the 14 year old whose suppose to be out playing sports, playing his xbox or reading!

  • IT DOESNT MATTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all shapes and sizes, no ones is exactly the same !!!!!!!!!!!!! Worry about world poverty or something and GET OVER penis obsession !!!!!!!

  • I don-t think you should so much about size at your age. It-ll keep on growing til the age of 18-20.

  • I-ll answer this after measuring mine last year

  • as wide and as long as it chooses to get and still be enjoyable to you. Other than than don-t worry about it until it falls off.

  • whatever it is right now. God made you perfectly. Men grow at different rates and there is no I mean NO NO NO average. You are okay the way you are. Enjoy yourself and don-t be worried about that kind of stuff.

  • i don-t know.

  • As wide as it is right then. You-ve hardly started growing by the age of 14, and you won-t stop for about another 10 years. So, give it time buddy, and don-t feel weird about it. You-ve got plenty of time to grow if you-re not happy with it.

    How wide should a penis be? byt the age of 14? -

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