How do you increase the size of your penis without surgery? And if you need pills can you tell the names? -
There are only two ways to increase the size of your penis without surgery. 1) A magnifying glass; 2) A funhouse mirror (though this may have the opposite effect). Be proud of what you have. Surgery is not a pleasant thing to go through since it involves severing a suspensory tendon, which means you will have to spend a considerable amount of time with weights on your penis to maintain the 1- to 1 1/2- you may gain.
i-ve heard extenze and enzyte are the best (you might want to check spelling) extenze is the best one though, but if I where you, I-d leave it the size it is. It-s not the size of your member that counts, it-s how you look and act. Any real girl would understand idea..No such drugs to my knowledge exist. Sorry!This one worked for my husband, He added a little bit over 1 inch with it.
How do you increase the size of your penis without surgery? And if you need pills can you tell the names? -
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