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How big is a normal sized penis for a 12 yearold -

How big is a normal sized penis for a 12 yearold -

ight i have hair on my penis area but not all bushy yet just like singals and i have a like little bit bigger than 3 1/2 inch dick when erected how big is this for a seventh grader and not erected its like 2 1/2 somtimes 3inches so will i grow more??

  • You are just 12 and already obsessing over your penis size.It will grow during your puberty.And there are many years of them left before you are done

  • Hey man, For a 12 year old you are a stud! The average length of a penis for an adult male is 5.5 inches. You have all of puberty to go yet. YOur penis will keep growing until you are 18 and then have one last growth spurt when 21 or 22. With your 3.5 inches you are already ahead of most other guys. Just keep masturbating and as often as you like and keep it personal and private. About the hair. Pubic hair will be thin and wispy at first and then starts to curl when you get a little older. You are doing great. Any questions just feel free to email me on answers.

  • normal -- truly there is no measurement at this age that you should be worried about, At the age of 21 men generally will have grown has much as they will as it applies to the size of their penises. No matter your size, self esteem is greater than size.

  • well,personally i think you should just keep your penis in your pants until you well,you know HAVE SEX. have you seriously measured your penis? do you even really care how big yours is? by the way your thing is the size of my friends thumb.GOOD LUCK!

  • man ur ok. it will grow more. im 14 (freshman) and im 5 1/2 when errected. like 3 when not errected. ull start growing in the next years. email me if u need more help or just want 2 talk about juior high crap.


  • i woul say you are normal for your age

    some people develop faster and some slower, and yes you dont stop growing until 21 years of age

    puberty will increase your growth in everything

    good luck

  • Whatever size your penis is now, is the normal size.

  • You are 12, everything will grow more.

    Unless you are really 40, then you are stuck with that and your bad grammar.

  • I think it natural some 14 year olds have the same size as u me n u same age but im 5 inch unerect

  • freakin perv whats so good about a huge dick...

  • i would say a 4 incher

  • lawlzz
    wen i was twelve
    i was 8in
    u should give up
    n get a vagina

    How big is a normal sized penis for a 12 yearold -

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