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How to determine if the penis is clean? -

How to determine if the penis is clean? -

Shower every morning and pay particular attention to your penis. If you are uncircumcised, roll back the foreskin and wash the glans thoroughly. At bedtime, wash your penis again - you-ll feel fresh and clean, and your partner will thank you for it! It-s also important to change your underwear every day.

  • Wash it every day to be sure

  • Soap and water once a day - the same way you determine any other part of your body is clean. If you are uncircumcised, make sure you pull the foreskin all the way back when washing.

  • When in doubt - wash it.

  • Wash it throughly. Any penis can start having a scent after a while because where it-s located; the body produces a lot of natural oils in that region.

  • when it doesnot smell and when thereis nothing under the foreskin if not cirsumcised

  • My advise was every day and after sex!!!!

    Is my penis unclean? Do I need to wash my hands after I masturbate?
    - age 17, Canada

    If you get lube or semen on them, perhaps �� but in terms of germs, the penis is actually one of the cleaner parts of your body. (Unless you have a sexually transmitted disease, anyway.) In fact, your own mouth has many more bacteria in it than does the surface of your penis.

    How to determine if the penis is clean? -

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