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How can you tell by looking at a guy the size of his penis? -

How can you tell by looking at a guy the size of his penis? -

Does it go by hand size? Or foot size? I-ve heard those methods but are they accurate .... and is there any others that you-ve heard of that are true?

  • None of those methods are very accurate; there is really no way to tell unless he-s wearing tight pants or no pants.

  • different guys will have different penis size. that-s just nature. cant really tell by looking at hands or feet, but if you measure from tip of his middle finger to bottom of palm, it will be very close to his penis size. which is from tip of head to base of shaft

  • Those don-t work, they best way to get an idea is by race. Its stereotypical, but it is more accurate than the hand/shoe thing.

    asian - tiny
    latin/hispanic - smaller than average
    white/caucasian - average
    Indian - above average
    black - largest

  • I will give you one secret to go by. If a guy is very vascular, meaning his veins are very pronounced and come out of his arms, you can be pretty sure that he has a good-sized penis too.

  • Nothing is accurate that I know of. It-s like knowing a woman-s IQ by the color of her hair. At least with women we get to know how big their breasts are. I always thought that was a nice little bonus. Man I luuuuuv women!

  • the foot method is ridiculous that doesn-t even come close to the size of a penis

  • by getting him naked or put your hand down his pants.
    thats the only ways i know to find out.

  • Science shows on average certain ethnicities are smaller than others. There is nothing accuratly close that you could go by though. Hope this helps.

  • Hand size; if you measure from middle finger tip to end of hand.

  • You can-t tell. My hand is 7 1/4 inches. Shoe size is 9.5. My penis is just 4 3/4 inches.

    BTW, I-m Hispanic.

  • No the size of ones hand or foot has no indication of penis size there is no way to tell unless you look directly at it

  • Neither hand nor foot size, it-s all about ethnicity.

  • those methods are bull, everybody is different, those were just made up

  • no way to tell, it isn-t a ratio to body size, but there are averages

  • how about u walk over and ask the guy to see his dick
    maybe he-s friendly and will be like okay
    and den you-ll know
    cause shoe size doesn-t really have an effect

  • There is no way to tell how big someones penis is just by looking at them.

  • No way to tell, unless he BULGING.

    There are guys that are HUGE, and you would never see a bulge even in skinny jeans.

  • It is impossible, don-t listen to what anyone says.

  • I-ve also heard if they-re tall. or have a strong facial structure....
    not sure how true they are though

  • Hand size. From middle finger tip to end of hand.

  • There is absolutely NO way to tell how big or small a man in by any other body part. PERIOD!

  • tall like me

  • reach in and whip it out. It-s the only way to know.

    How can you tell by looking at a guy the size of his penis? -

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