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Pls suggest how to control premature ejaculation amp; how to enlarge penis length amp; girth, give advice pls? -

Pls suggest how to control premature ejaculation amp; how to enlarge penis length amp; girth, give advice pls? -

(a married man doesn,t want to be ashamed in sight of his wife)

  • You have not given your age and size of your penis. Two different I have to give you a long answer. Premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs immediately prior to or just after insertion of the penis into the partner, without any sense of voluntary control. It is a common sexual phenomenon, occurring in approximately one-third of men under 25, and in about 10 percent of men older than 25. General causes of premature ejaculation include overstimulation, anxiety over sexual performance, and stress. But it is also seen as a potentially conditioned response. For example, if a man-s earliest sexual experiences were situations that might have required rapid ejaculation, or where rapid ejaculation was encouraged, then it may have become a learned habit. Another element leading to premature ejaculation is a male-s lack of awareness of the preliminary sensations that lead to orgasm, making him unable to control the process leading to ejaculation.

    Regardless of the cause of premature ejaculation, there are solutions that are considered to be highly effective though there are many (Contact me). Two methods that have been written about extensively are the stop-start method, and the squeeze method. The stop-start method works to make a man more aware of his sensations as he is approaching orgasm. His partner manually stimulates his penis while he focuses on his sensations. When he feels that orgasm is approaching, he has his partner stop the stimulation. The extreme sexual tension will be defused, and then the partner can begin restimulation. Once the couple becomes proficient at this, then the procedure is applied to coital situations �� in a heterosexual relationship (also adaptable to a homosexual relationship), it is suggested that the couple attempts this first with the woman on top, followed by the side to side position, and then male on top.

    The squeeze technique is commonly executed with the premature ejaculator laying down, knees bent, so that his partner who is sitting up and facing him, can sit between his legs. The partner stimulates the genital area until the penis is erect, then applies a squeeze lasting 3 or 4 seconds by holding the penis with the thumb on the ridge between the head and shaft, and the first two fingers situated on either side of the ridge opposite the thumb. This squeeze eliminates the desire for ejaculation. This technique should be repeated several times during genital stimulation, so that foreplay can continue without ejaculation. Once mastered, this method can be used in intercourse where a woman (or male partner) inserts her/his partner-s penis and sits on top of him motionless. When he feels close to ejaculation, s/he lifts her-/himself off and administers a squeeze, then returns to the sitting position. Over time this results in ejaculatory control.
    You have not mentioned the size of your penis. None of the advertised enhancement pills or other gadgets work....The size doesn-t matter......Penis hardly grow after the age of 17. But don-t worry....The length of the penis, which determines the depth of vaginal penetration, is relatively unimportant, because it is the first one-third of the vagina that has the most nerve endings and is most responsive to physical stimulation. Penis size may, however, have positive or negative psychological significance to a woman. Some women prefer a large penis; others are put off by what they think is -too large- or -too small-. Third, men may feel that a larger penis gives them an element of status and makes them more sexually attractive.
    Actually, penile diameter has little physiological effect for the woman because the vagina can gradually adjust to fit a penis of any circumference (remember, it is designed, under the right conditions, to allow a baby to pass through the same opening).
    Bigger Not Necessarily Better
    The great interest in penis size is related to several different things. First, it shows a concern for being -normal--the same as everyone else, or certainly no worse. Second, it is related to a wish to be sexually adequate. Many people in our society believe that -bigger is better- and the myth that a big penis will provide more sexual satisfaction to a woman is widespread.
    Lastly please understand that vagina has -magical- internals which can adjust to any size!!

  • different people have different levels of sexual excitement. some are done the moment some one touches them. a condition known as premature ejaculation. some take 3 mins some take 5 mins and some also take arnd an hour to come.

    if u feel that you or your partner feel that you are losing ur erection or your excitement a little too fast, then try this technique...

    masturbate or ask your partner to masturbate till you reach climax.

    when you are just about to reach climax.stop the act and concentrate on something else.

    again repeat the same...

    in this way you will be able to send signals to your brain which will slowly help you build stamina a nd thereby increase the duration of the act.

  • The following techniques may be beneficial in delaying ejaculation:
    The -stop and start- method �C in this method, the man learns to recognise the stage after which he cannot control ejaculation. The treatment method trains the person to remove the stimulus just before that stage is reached so that the urge to ejaculate is controlled. For example, when during masturbation, the man reaches a point just before ejaculating, he stops the stimulus until he starts losing the erection. Once the stage is past, he can resume the activity. This process is repeated again and again until the individual is able to delay ejaculation till the time he wishes. This method called the -Masters and Johnson method-, is most effective when the help of the partner is sought during actual intercourse.

    The squeeze technique �C in this method, the partner gently squeezes the tip or base of the penis just before the point of ejaculation thereby -cancelling- the orgasm. This process can be continued until the couple decides mutually to reach the climax.

    Desensitising creams and gels are available in the market that reduce the sensitivity of the penis and help men reach climax later. Some men also feel that condoms reduce the sensations and, in addition to providing safer sex, help them last longer.

    The couple can also experiment with sexual positions as some positions offer more control than others and may help to delay ejaculation.
    Since premature ejaculation is not a disease, it does not have the classic -symptoms-. An individual realizes that he is suffering from it when sexual intercourse ends before either partner is completely satisfied. It is diagnosed by a physical examination, in addition to interviews with the couple regarding their relationship.

    Men worried about having a small penis are usually pretty average, but have a false idea of what the normal size is. The best way to reassure men with penile concerns is to educate them. Men should know that a normal-sized penis is 1.6 inches or more when flaccid or 2.76 inches when stretched out.

    Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, studied 92 patients who went to the andrology department of the hospital over a 2-year period complaining of a small-sized penis. Each subject provided a sexual history and completed a standard erectile function questionnaire. Penile length and girth were assessed with a tape measure in both flaccid and fully stretched states. The men were asked what they considered a normal-sized penis and then were informed about the actual normal size. All of the men met the thresholds for normal penis size and did not have erectile dysfunction. However, on average, they estimated that the -normal- flaccid length should be to be 5.1 inches.

    The education and measurement sessions solved the concerns of 79 men. The other 13 subjects still insisted that their member was too short, but with further psychosexual counseling, most were convinced otherwise.

    Men complaining of a short penis can be treated using the basic principles of sex education with objective methods of penile size evaluation. This combination can correct any previous sexual misconceptions, relieve unnecessary anxiety concerning penile size, and decrease the desire to undertake still-to-be verified lengthening procedures.

  • You can-t increase length and girth. You get what you are give, so learn to use it properly, be a generous lover and size will not matter.

    On the other - In general, practice and relaxation will help you deal with the problem. Some men try to distract themselves by thinking non-sexual thoughts (such as naming baseball players and records) to avoid becoming excited too fast.

    Some helpful techniques include the following:

    Masturbate an hour or so before having sex.

    The -stop and start- method:

    This technique involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate. The stimulation is then removed for about thirty seconds and then may be resumed. The sequence is repeated until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.

    The -squeeze- method:

    This technique involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate. At that point, the man or his partner gently squeezes the end of the penis (where the glans meets the shaft) for several seconds, withholding further sexual stimulation for about 30 seconds, and then resuming stimulation. The sequence may be repeated by the person or couple until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.

  • You can-t increase the size of your penis.

  • dude, their is stuff you can eat to make your dong...the bomb...roarin and tearin it up like king kong. As far as shootin yo load...try jackin off once or twice before you get to humpin your lady. That way you are way more in control of your eager c0ck. Good luck...I pray for your c0ck.

  • fools....premature ejaculation is emission of semen and consequent loss of erection during intial stages of sex,b4 insertion into vagina or after vagina.........coming to soon isnt premature ejacultion remember

  • I-m not sure if you can help your penis- size and girth, but there are probably ways to better control premature ejaculation. Check online for some medical sites and recommendations--however talk to your doctor first because there are probably a lot of scams out there without a doc-s help!

  • You can-t change the length - girth of your penis without surgery - no way, despite what the ads say...PM is usually an experience thing and the more times you go off prematurely, the less confidence you have.
    The important thing to remember is that if you feel you-re about to climax, just stop and wait until the feeling passes. This will take some time but as you do this, it-ll be longer and longer each time before you have to stop.
    Additionally, it helps some men to masturbate an hour or so before they might have penetrative sex. Good luck - you-ll get through it...

  • To learn ejaculatory control:

    * Don-t use drugs or alcohol. They-re distracting and they interfere with the self-awareness crucial to learning ejaculatory control.
    * Appreciate whole-body sensuality. Men often think sex happens only in the penis and only during intercourse. That view is a one-way ticket to uncontrolled ejaculation (not to mention erection problems, and women with those proverbial headaches). The best sex involves head-to-toe arousal. Men learning how to approach -- but not arrive at -- their point of no return, need to appreciate whole-body sensuality, the pleasure potential in every square inch of the body. Whole-body sensuality releases tension. Tense bodies that have no other outlet often find release through involuntary ejaculation. But as you learn to appreciate sensual pleasure from head to toe, whole-body arousal takes the pressure off your penis, and you last longer.
    * Whole-body sensuality means relaxation, but the -relaxation- involved in great sex is not the kind that includes an easy chair, a six pack, and Monday Night Football. It-s the kind you feel after a hot bath or a good massage. In fact, bathing or showering together before lovemaking can help men relax and appreciate whole-body sensuality -- and last longer.
    * Breathe deeply. One very easy way to stay relaxed while making love is to breathe deeply. The body has a natural tendency to breathe deeply during sex. But many men fight it. They think they should stay in control by not breathing deeply and making the little love-moan sounds that go along with it. But when men work to control their breathing, they often sacrifice ejaculatory control. Try breathing deeply. Let your breath go. Many men are amazed how much this one little change improves their ejaculatory control.
    * Start with masturbation with a dry hand. By varying how you caress your penis, you can learn to stay highly aroused for quite a while without coming. When you feel yourself approaching your point of no return, simply back off a bit, strokestroke yourself more gently or not at all, and stay aroused without ejaculating. Then as you feel yourself getting a little distance from your point of no return, return to more vigorous self-stimulation. Repeat this several times over several sessions. Approach your point of no return, then back off. For most men, it doesn-t take long to develop good ejaculatory control while alone.
    Then move on to masturbation with a lubricated hand. Use saliva, vegetable oil, or a commercial sexual lubricant. For most people, lubricants increase the sensual intensity of erotic fondling. Follow the same program: Masturbate until you approach your point of no return, then back off. Repeat this several times over several sessions.
    * Once you have good control during masturbation, and appreciate whole-body sensuality, and feel comfortable breathing deeply during lovemaking, then you-re ready for the couples program -- if you-re in a couple. The couple approach is called the -Stop-Start Technique.- First, arrange -stop- and -start- signals with your lover, for example, a light pinch or tap, or a tug on an ear.
    Then, your lover strokes your penis by hand as you lie still. When you approach your point of no return, give the -stop- signal. Your lover immediately stops stroking you and simply holds your penis gently, as you continue to breathe deeply and pays close attention to the sensations you-re feeling. When you no longer feels close to ejaculation, gives the -start- signal, and your lover begins stroking you again. How many stops and starts should you do? A half-dozen over a 15-minute period works well for most couples. Do what feels comfortable for you.

    With stop-start, the focus is on the man. He-s the one learning the new skill. But don-t forget the woman-s sensual needs. As part of each practice session, she might guide your hand over her to show you what she likes.

    Once you-ve gained good ejaculatory control with your lover-s hand, try the same stop-start procedure with oral caresses. Again, you begin by lying still.

    Once you-ve gained good control orally, feel free to start moving. You-re making love again -- but now you have ejaculatory control. Congratulations.

    Pls suggest how to control premature ejaculation amp; how to enlarge penis length amp; girth, give advice pls? -

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