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How to enlarge my penis as it is 6 inch and my height is 6 fts . pls tell without any exercise and medicines? -

How to enlarge my penis as it is 6 inch and my height is 6 fts . pls tell without any exercise and medicines? -

Simple and easty is to massage ur penis with vitamin E oil daily for 3-4 minutes . and just have jerks not ejaculate ..
bye ..
u cud get excellent result ...

  • How big are your feet? Just kidding you. A mistaken idea among some girls is that a man-s penis will be large if he has big feet. Totally untrue, of course. I wouldn-t worry about your size. What-s more important to most women, who don-t carry rulers to bed when they make love, is what a man can do with what he has. In other words, do you know what the woman likes and how you can please her? Whether you are 5 ft or 7 ft tall, 6 inches is somewhere about average for a man. Actually, under circumstances that are variable, your penis can enlarge by itself in the act of lovemaking, and may be much larger when you have entered a woman. So, don-t worry about it. Some girl will be well satisfied by the way you are right now.

  • Take a long string and tie it to the end of your penis and to the end of your bed post. Then hang out the window of your bed room. Do that two to three nights a week for 7 months. You can get a really long penis that way (but it won-t work any more) Good luck with that!

  • Ugh, not the size, it-s what you do with it.

  • call a surgeon. 7-10k should get you a couple inches.

  • jerk off more. the more you do, the more your skin relaxes, and over time.. it-ll grow. not conciderably, but noticeably.

  • Man if your 6 feet tall wit a 6 incher, you got some BIG A$$ -little- PROBLEMAS!! Fool.

    How to enlarge my penis as it is 6 inch and my height is 6 fts . pls tell without any exercise and medicines? -

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