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How to clean or cure itchy penis? -

How to clean or cure itchy penis? -

im uncircumcised and i had protected sex with my partner. 5 days later I think i am having side effects of irritation under my foreskin and on the bottom of my penis head. its red and sometimes itchy. how do i clean this infection and irritation? can i use normal bar soap? i would prefer not to go to a doctor. what can I use? Vaseline? what kind of soap? any help is appreciated thankyou.

  • why would you not want to see a doctor? soap will just irritate it more. go see a penis doctor, an urologist. what are you afraid of? that he might say that you need a circumcision. i doubt it, but maybe he might give you good news and you wont have those foreskin irritations any more.

  • I would not recommend soap because sometimes that can make irritated skin worse. But if you think soap would help then I just recommend a normal one, just don-t use too much.

    You could possibly have a yeast infection and could get a cream from that from the chemist. Or perhaps a fungal infection.

    Maybe you should see a doctor.


  • I have to back -Gary B- on this one. Taking a shower using an anti-bacterial soap like DIAL, should keep you feeling healthy. And after you towel dry use a talcum power. Keep the manhood area dry and you-ll keep the irritation away. Rashes are something for your GP. Oh, and one more thing, change your underwear - daily.

  • Taje a shower!

    Use Dial soap.

    See your doctor. You might have an STD, and the ONLY way to cure it (if it can be cured . . . ) is through prescription mediciane.

    DO NOT have sex again until the doctor says that you are cured.

  • You have something that needs to checked by your doctor,because it is going to happen again.For right know you need some neosporin to put on it for know,but still be careful.

  • Ask your partner to wash mouth with good quality anti septic lotion. Plead her to give you a - ******** - three times a day. Cure - pleasure two in one.

  • Wash well with soap and try applying some Canesten cream for a few days. You could have thrush or just an allergy to something.

  • itchy penis???? ha ha ha

    How to clean or cure itchy penis? -

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