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How do you know if you broke your penis? -

How do you know if you broke your penis? -

i woke up one night and i had forgotten to take my jeans off. i realized that i was having an erection, and saw that the pants were keeping it from being erect. so i tried to position it by pulling on the crouch part of my jeans to give it room, but as it was at a straight angle the part of the jeans i was keeping up slipped from my fingers and came down on my penis pushing down on the head of the penis when it was erect. So it hurt for a little bit, but it still hurts a little bit after a few days. It-s not swollen, a little sore, and has some heat coming off of it. I hav also masturbated, and i don-t know if that has to do anything with the pain. I would greatly appreciate it if you guys have any ideas, or thoughts of what im talking about. And for those who don-t think you can break your penis. You can. So please dont tell me you can-t break your penis. Thank you

  • KId go to your doctor you CAN BREAK A PENIS even though there is no bone in it what you could have injured or even BROKEN was the tissues that were full of blood.... i think if u really broke it you would be in alot more pain..... I heard of one guy breaking it as he was going at it with his lady he decided to shut the window and not noticing his penis was sticking out the window as he slambed the window down to shut it needless to say he broke his penis by crushing the blood filled tissue

  • This does not seem very serious. You can just let it heal naturally. It does not seem like you broke it. I have a friend that broke his penis and what you described is nothing like what he described! You would know if you broke it!

  • for 1 thing you can,t break it. there is no bone in it. you might hurt it but you can,t break it.

  • you idiot you can-t break a penis it-s not a bone an erection a rush of blood you can-t break that.

  • Thats hilarious.? Go to a doctor.

  • PLEASE do us all (and yourself!) a favor and ask that doctor of yours...none of us know, anyway. So...just don-t bother sharing.

  • Hahahaha!!!! You cant break your penis!! Your welcome lol

  • Ask your doctor about this it sounds like it could be but i dont know 4 sure

  • sounds like the bone snapped in half

    How do you know if you broke your penis? -

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