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How do I Clean My Penis? -

How do I Clean My Penis? -

ok i am uncircumsiced and when i clean my penis i ofcourse use soap but when i wash it and rinse it and dry it off the soap becomes all sticky...when i pull the forsekin back the next day to use the sticks 2 my that normal or is there a better way to wash it??? i rinsed it well and everything but the foreskin just keeps stickin to my penis so when i pull back IT HURTS!!! plz hlp

  • Soaps can dry the penis.. I use just water alone and its fine. Use soap only once in a great while.

    The penis even a dirty smelly one is much cleaner than you think. The white stuff (smegma) is just dead skin cells, and nothing to be too concerned about. In your daily shower you just pull the fporeskin back and let the water do its thing.

    If its sticking then try a bit of pre-lube. Mastubate to excitement and then a few drops of pre-ejaculate lube will come out. wipe these few drops around the glans and the next day its not stuck.

    You might be washing it too much, and your normal skin oils are not doing their job. Smegma is normal and if you don-t wash you can get a lot of it. There is nothing wrong with that but a water rinse each day and you will not have any.

    To really get some pee with your foreskin down and don-t uncover it for a few days. then pull the foreskin back and you should have a good supply of it. Its kind of cool. Its the old skin dying off mixed with some skin oil. Its also got some anti-bacterial properties they discovered. Apparently its a good thing to produce. If you going to go out on a date you might want to wash it good. No girl likes that much.

    Otherwise just water alone will do wonders...

    Hope this helps...

  • Try using different soap. Something in your skin is causing it to do that. Or it is just a really bad soap thing.

  • The soap is drying out everything - choose different brand. Use warm water. Careful with amount of soap

  • just forget about soap an all other stuff,... water is the best solution to wash.... certain times u can go for some good smelling shampo just to get a cool smell...but don-t apply at the tip of ur dick..........

  • that happens even if don-t use soap. if you pee and when finished pull back the foreskin that sticking goes away

  • I use gasoline and a wire brush.

  • use a Brillo pad, it really washes the stuff off, failing that, bleach

  • use a different body wash instead of a bar

    How do I Clean My Penis? -

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