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How can i make my penis bigger? -

How can i make my penis bigger? -

a vacuum cleaner

  • My boyfriend has this problem. he just drinks lots of water and his penis has grown wider and a teeny bit longer.

  • slam it in a door, let a bee sting it, hit it with a hammer,or just learn to work what you have..........

  • got problems ? ?

  • Go to walmart and get some of that miracle grow stuff and apply 3 times a day for 2 weeks..that should do the job...GL

  • if you are done growing then are u overweight?? shaving the area and losing weight are the only solutions i know. there is a surgery which cuts the muscle that holds the penis up. the only reason it looks longer is because it hangs lower. i would be happy with what u have. a woman that loves u doesn-t care.

  • make lots of money, and all the women in town will swear yours is the biggest they ever have had.....

  • Ask again after you-re past 18 years old. In the meantime, don-t worry about it.

  • it grows as you mature.... once you have reached your full potential, that-s it

    How can i make my penis bigger? -

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