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How can i enlarge my little penis? -

How can i enlarge my little penis? -

There-s no real good way to enlarge a penis.

  • Hi Yugi,
    I-m sorry but there are few real means to enlarge your penis. Men have wanted to enlarge this part of their bodies for centuries. Some claim to have success with weights attached to a penile harness that pulls the penis down, herbal remedies, pumps (which work but the effect is temporary) and the like. Sadly none of these work with any great degree of success. Surgery to cut the ligaments that attach the penis to the pelvis have had some success, but there is a trade off, the angle that the post operative penis has when erect may make intercourse difficult.

    What may give you some satisfaction is to realize that unless you are truly deformed you are likely to be within the average length, and likely quite capable when it comes to sexual performance.

    If despite advice to the contrary you decide to do something to attempt to lengthen your penis, understand that several of the means that are advertized to work are not only unlikely to do so but could damage your otherwise wonderful penis, so be careful with it. Pulling on it playfully and regularly for solo pleasure will teach you how to use it well and help you and develop an age appropriate understanding of it-s -operation-.

    Have fun with it and be nice to it and it-ll be nice to you!

  • You can enlarge your little penis by doing natural penis enlargement exercises like these ones��
    believe me they work amazingly ;)

  • It will look bigger if you take it out of your sisters backside ;)

  • Have it extended.

  • use a magnifying glass.....on a sunny day lol !!

  • Keep pulling on it :)

  • get someone to play tug o war wtih it

    How can i enlarge my little penis? -

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