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How to increase the size of my penis? -

How to increase the size of my penis? -

I-m 22 years old, and i-m like 6 to 6.5 inches when i-m hard. I want to be more like 8 or 9 when i-m hard. Is there anything I can take to acheive those results?

  • Nothing. There is honestly nothing out there.

    Look, if there really was something, every guy who knew would tell every other guy that didn;t know. It would not be kept a secret. If i knew of a sure-fire way to make you 8 inches, and I myself had discovered it and it worked, I WOULD TELL YOU!

    Having watched and heard guys agonzie that they were just not big enough, I WOULD TELL YOU!

    Listening to women who wiosh their guys have a bit more south opf the border, I WOULD TELL YOU!

    So, why am I not telling you? Because there is NOTHING out there. Honestly.

    jelqing is questionable. Penis Pumps are a joke. Manhood pills only swell the bottom line of the company that sells them. Erection creams are, at best, transitory.

    You can hold your breath, eat sausage and oysters, wrap a hot towel around yourself, mentally will yourself bigger. Nothing works.

    Oh, you can strap weights onto you peins and get linger, but it destroys the ligaments so you have the rigidity of cooked spaghetti

    Please repeat after me: NOTHING WORKS!

    Sorry, dude

  • The most effective and safest way to get a bigger penis is with penis enlargement exercises. The idea is to gradually increase the capacity of the chambers in the penis to hold blood. The bigger the chambers are, the more blood they hold when you get an erection, and so the bigger your erect penis is.

    Pills don-t work because all they do is increase the blood flow, not the amount the chambers can hold. At best all they-ll do is give you harder erections.

    There-s a good site below with more information about all the different methods - detailed exercises- check it out.

  • You are perfectly normal

    Devices and pills available at the market are really harmful to the body. Penis pump can make your penis bigger for a short period of time but it is not recommended. Some of the natural techniques are really helpful to increase penis size.

    Penis Advantage is a very popular program for penis enlargement.It worked for me.

    Hope it helps.

  • What do you want to happen? Try buying one of those penis enlargment pills or have surgery or something. LOL. Wow, you are 22 years old an thinking about this. Its funny.

  • there is nothing out there that can make it any longer or bigger. your stuck with what you have besides you can only put it in so far anyway.

  • other than surgury no with plastic surgery you dont get the maximim pleasure in orgasms and you will have scars but 6.5 inches thats pretty big so you should be good

  • I think there-s a pill for ittt

    Help me :(;��

  • Well I gained like an inch in like 2 months from jelqing (along with other exercises). After that first inch the progress slows alot though, so you can be at 7ish in a little while.

  • apparently -extends- works.. im not sure if thats the correct spelling but yea.. it wont give u an added 4 inches, nothing will... but it will improve... or a penis pump.. haha

  • 6 inches is fine for your PINGAS.
    Be happy with the size you have. As long as it works right.

  • Watch one of those creepy ExtenZe commercials. Bahaha!

  • Let an elephant suck on it with his trunk. That-s how they do it in India.

  • you-re fine. girls wouldn-t want a penis that was 9 inches! thats bigger than most porn stars.

  • get surgery they make you as big as you want!!

  • Drugs.

  • have some medicine from
    it works

  • ew

  • no sorrry

  • wow 22 yrs old and you have a small that o well i wud say extence viagra

  • =[ men are stupid. rele? lol

    How to increase the size of my penis? -

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