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How does shoe size relates to the size of your penis? -

How does shoe size relates to the size of your penis? -

If your penis is longer than your foot then that means you could wear a sock over it to cover it fully you could even wear a shoe on it.

  • If you divide your shoe size by 1.3, then multiply the result by half the circumference of your asshole, and then subtract 6 you will find the exact length of your penis at age 16. It will shrink by 10% each year thereafter although your shoe size will remain the same.

  • nopes thats a myth, read on the following links they will further unfold all ur answers about sex, penis n its size, growth etc����������

  • Much study has been done on this but it hasn-t shown any significant correlation.

    There is a more significant correlation between the thickness of fingers and penis size. However, it is not very reliable anyway.

  • Has nothing to do with each other except they are both a part of you, if your are thinking the bigger the foot the bigger the penis, it is a myth

  • nothing were size nine and only 2 inch shorted then that so nothing

  • No correlation.

  • One has nothing to do with the other.

  • haha

  • same way penis size and brain size is related...duh

  • Umm.
    Im no Doctor...But im pretty sure it doesn-t.

  • it doesn-t
    you know what big shoes mean?
    big feet =)

  • it doesn-t

    How does shoe size relates to the size of your penis? -

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