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How do i explain to my parents that i want to see the gp over my penis? -

How do i explain to my parents that i want to see the gp over my penis? -

or can i go on my own im 15

  • Approach your Dad privately and tell him you need to see the doctor. He will almost certainly ask why. Then tell him you are having -male problems.- Once you get that far, the rest will be easy.

    About going by yourself, I don-t know the law where you are. I doubt of you are in the US because we usually don-t call them gp-s over here.
    I think most US physicians would see a regular 15-year-old patient without a parent, but that-s a guess.

  • in the US, at that age, you-ll have to have a parent accompany you. Different doctors have different rules about a parent being in the exam room with you.

    I believe that in the UK, you can go on your own when you-re 16.

  • You can go to your GP on your own,
    just ask at reception if there is any male doctors that
    you can speak to privatley (or go directly to your GP and ask him).

    Hope i helped : )
    If have any other questions email me : )
    (i-m 15 too)

  • You can-t just go because legally he can-t treat you without a parents permission. That being said, have a chat with dear old dad and . explain your concern.

  • How invovled/nosy are they?
    Just tell them that you-re not feeling right. If they don-t respect this, tell them you-re dizzy or something.

  • WTF is gp???

    How do i explain to my parents that i want to see the gp over my penis? -

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