My penis chafes against my knee. How can I avoid this? -
My penis chafes against my knee. How can I avoid this?
Knit it a little silk lined sock.Whatever!
Ah the imagination of youth. I always thought about stuff like that until I got married and the first time my wife looked and said was -Did you forget to pack your pecker?Grow longer thighs, it must be really bad having 6 inch long legs.
EDIT : Sorry, Been there done that, I should have read all the answers before I put mine up - great minds and all that?Are you bragging or complaining? Try wearing less tight trousers, it may help, also boxer shorts underwear. A Dress!Start wearing farmer boots those high ones:it will fit in one of the legs
Colorsask the doctor if he can lengthen your 2- leg bones.I guess your deformed perhaps an operation would help!Try tucking the end into your sock, works for me.try growing up and not asking such ridiculous questions.
?Duct tape it to your leg.Tie a couple of knots in it.Tell you boyfriend to stop rubbing himself there then!don-t flatter yourself wankerI would get a sock and place in upon yourself. It woudl look cutestop putting ya head between ya legsstop braggingyou cant do alot, just don-t wear wellies lmaopaste it to your tummy
My penis chafes against my knee. How can I avoid this? -
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