How can I get my penis longer? -
do you just want to brag that your penis is 7.5in.....?
size don-t make the man
No penis enlargement pills or creams work, your penis is not a muscle or a -growing- ligament it becomes erect because of blood flow to the penis and hardens when the blood capillaries accept more blood when aroused , surgery is an option but you may have scar tissue and the surgery sometimes causes bending or curvature of the penis , simply put be happy with what you-ve got and dont judge yourself from porn the average man has a penis 5.5 inches to 6 inches longhave s e xTry putting an tight elastic band around the base of your penis.That should work?
Then once it becomes harder and longer try getting it back off again..... loldon-t worry about if by the time you have got a lady into your bedroom she won-t freak out she wants to sleep with you and no matter how small enjoyment is possible
i read a survey that said most men thought they were small but 95% of their partners were happy
relax you dont need to waste money on products that claim to make you huge seriously you can pleasure a girl with what you-ve got.
ignore porn its fake those guys are chosen by directors because they are abnormally largeWell if it is 7.5 then why do you want it to grow longer for? You can buy those tubes/suctions that you insert your penis into it and it grows that way, but I wouldn-t know where you would get it from as I am a girl!!!!!!!!Like most parts of your anatomy it-s size is determined at the moment of conception by your genetics and there really is nothing you can do to increase it.jack-off, have sex, or take growth pillsgive it a good pounding with a hammer ?Pull itBuy a magnifying glass.
How can I get my penis longer? -
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