How can you break your penis? -
i had heard about it but i didnt think it was true
thank you
Yes, the penis can -break,- but it-s not like a piece of china.
The interior of the penis is filled with spongy tissue, which fills with blood, and that-s what causes an erection.
Too much force on the penis, or hitting it with force, during erection can rupture this spongy tissue, causing permanent damage.You technically cannot -break- your penis as it is not a bone. But when in erect state, there is possibility of suffering from a Penal Fracture. A Penal Fracture occurs when the Penis, while erect is hit hard or -snapped- in a way that bends it way too much. An erect penis should not be bent to much or a Penal Fracture can occur.A hard or sudden impact to the shaft while erect, essentially you are breaking the veins inside and causing an internal bleeding.evr seen bme pain olympics, yeahHaving sex too much at one time can cause the penis too get a *****, then become brittle and fall off.shut it in a door
there-s loads of ways
in fact i wrote an online book about it
How can you break your penis? -
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