How to stop the penis size jokes? -
i hate when people say your penis is too big and too small
like this one boy who i hate and he hates me he says my penis is small and i can care less because i know i am slighty above average.
like in the showers in pe, alot of my friends call me -goliath- or they say - put that away before you hurt someone-
or at home when i am walking around in boxers or in the room naked changing or whatever my younger brother says -put on pants before you poke an eye out-
once when i was freeballing in basketball shorts my older brother pants me and thought i had on boxers or briefs and was like -ohh sorry, i bet you getting them girls with that giant-
i told him -i-ve seen him naked before and hard and he was huge- and he said -maybe you think so but i think i am average, and i wasnt that big at your age.-
my younger brother once walked in our room with his friends while i was naked and that i was his giant penis older brother.
i want people to stop making comment about my penis.
be proud of it and let it hang outWell it seems like you have a problem with your brothers. But maybe if you would have clothes on or underwear you won-t get teased. Oh and how dumb are you i mean you share a room with your younger brother, you don-t lock your door, and let people come in when you are nude. There is a easy solution wear underwear, clothing, and lock your door. Oh and think of some better come backs than telling your brother that you have seen -him- before.dude just stop letting them see that it bothers you or create a quick and CLEVER comback.. but the only sure fire thing that will get them to stop is acting indifferent towards the comments... and all that matters is if your happy with whatcha got cuz it aint the size of the boat its the motion in the ocean!
goodluckWhy do you care if theyre all saying its big? Sounds to me more like you just want to get on yahoo and brag in a round about way so people dont suspect. None of us care about your penis. By the way, its how you use it not the size that matters anyway so dont get ahead of yourselfDude r u gay 4 real im just readin this cuz im bored but y u lookin @ another dudes dick wtf. but disregard that u shood b glad mad people b talkin bout me holdin up a pinky finger i b like how u kno u feel me dang y wuz u lookin in da first place u kno so if is gettin 2 u just brush it off u shouldnt care about wut people say cuz da main wuns hu b talkin aint gon go nowhere in life so just ignore emlol that-s something in life you have to deal with.
you have a big one? that-s good! you could really satisfy someone with that. be proud :]ummm you cant maybe just stop getting caught naked... and also who the hell freeballs in basketball shorts dude those are ***** shorts it is impossible to cover it up like thatBe happy. you-re above average. you-ll make some woman very happy in future. Just be glad it-s not UNDER average.LOL this is obviously a joke question...both ur brothers see ur penis and comment on it? ur naked in ur room and u dont lock ur doors so ur lil bro walks in? hahahaGrow up idiot.Hang out with people that have bigger penises than you ;-)Who gives a rats @ss? I-d worry if it was the girls saying it but otherwise don-t.u should be proud, but to solve this, be naked less around other peopleAren-t guys supposed to be -proud- of big dix?um it dipends how old u r and girls love big diks so think about that
How to stop the penis size jokes? -
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